Solve the maze of Council

Outsource the town planning and get your development approved!
Council Frustration?

Does the thought of dealing with Council cause you anxiety? Are you sick of receiving different answers to the same question? Remove your stress and get us to help!

Don't know where to start?

Development applications are complicated! There are so many documents listed and so much jargon that it can seem impossible! Get an expert to manage the process for you

Experience matters

We have a long experience of getting development applications approved with Councils NSW Wide. Our knowledge and experience allows us to get our clients their approvals faster saving them time and money.

Town planners you can trust!

Your development application is in safe hands with Town Planning Collective. We have a wealth of experience with development applications and other town planning services. Our Principal planner worked in high profile roles within a number of NSW Councils and knows the Council town planning process.

We are a modern and innovative town planning firm with a focus on expert reports and exceptional customer service!
We are here to help you with all of your town planning and development application services!

Our Key Services

Statement of Environmental Effects

The corner stone of any development application! The statement of environmental effects of SoEE is a required document under the EP&A Act and provides an account for what the project entails and if the development complies with the relevant standards and controls.

Development Applications

Lodging development applications is one of our primary tasks for clients. The DA Lodgement is complex and different for every Council so most of our clients engage us to lodge the application on their behalf to their Council.

Objection Letters

Neighbour development objection letters are one of our most frequent enquiries. Our principal planning has an extensive experience in objection letters and can assist you with mitigating your concerns regarding the development application.

Heritage impact statement for conservation areas and heritage listed properties.

Heritage Impact Statements

Heritage impact Statements are required for development applications where you are proposing changes to heritage listed items or buildings within a heritage conservation area. We provide experts services to assist our clients with their heritage advice and reports.

Why Choose Us

Experts in our field

We have extensive experience in town planningfor NSW Councils and can assist you with any of your development application issues.

Competive Quotes

We pride ourselves in providing competitive and comprehensive quotes that provide expert reports for a competitive price.

Fast Turn Around

We know time is money so we always try to deliver our reports in a fast turn around. We offer service agreements for our regular clients for piece of mind!

We Care

Just have a chat with our principal planner and you will see that we do this not just because it is our job, but because it is our passion!